Sakoieta Widrick
comes originally from the Adirondack Mountains of Upper State, New York. He is of Mohawk ancestry. His clan is Okwaho (Wolf). He is the second – oldest in a family of eight. He resides at Six Nations of the Grand River Iroquois Territory in Ontario with his partner D. “Tewentahawitha” Antone, Oneida Nation of the Thames, Turtle Clan, and is the father of six children, the grandfather of twenty-four grandchildren and great grandfather to two. He is a singer with the Old Mush Traditional Singing Society and the Grand River Men’s Traditional Singing Society and a member of the Kanienkehá:ka Kanónh:ses Mohawk Longhouse at Six Nations Rez.
Sakoieta' works as:
Instructor - Wahta Kanienke’ha Language Program – Wahta Mohawk Territory, Bala, Ontario
Teacher and Instructor of Iroquoian Studies at Brock University, Saint Catharines, Ontario
Mohawk Traditional Spiritual Counselor and Healer using traditional Kanienkehá:ka (Mohawk) counseling methods, also sweats, fasting.
Cultural Educator, Speaker and Workshop Facilitator
Traditionally trained Counselor on Grief, Death and Mourning, Relationships Traditional Medicine, Traditional Parenting, Traditional Pregnancies and Traditional Lifestyle, Traditional Learning Styles and Traditional Song and Dance
Correctional Institution Elder
Chief Facilitator and Founder – Iroquois Peacemakers – Conflict Resolution Program utilizing traditional Iroquois methods
And has worked as:
Saho’ nikonri:io ne Men’s Traditional Counselor for Ganohkwasra Family Assault Support Services
Regional Aboriginal Spiritual and Cultural Care Coordinator for Winnipeg Regional Health Authority - Aboriginal Health Services
Sakoieta’s work has taken him all across the United States and Canada and is focused on living and teaching a lifestyle, that is drug, alcohol, substance, and gambling free. He is devoted to family life, the pursuit of peace and recognizing the strength of prayer. Sakoieta’ follows the traditional Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) lifestyle. He is an artist, craft worker, ritualist, singer, dancer, flutist, educator, healer, active gardener, and recognized writer. He is an active participant at the Six Nations of the Grand River Mohawk Longhouse.
His work is focused on keeping alive the rich cultural heritage of the Aboriginal people of Native North America (Turtle Island) and especially the culture and heritage of the (Iroquois) Rotinonsionni Longhouse People.
Sakoieta' performs and teaches with the Native Wood Cedar Flute and has released the first of his works in a CD/cassette entitled, "By Sacred Waters", which was nominated in 1995 Native American Music Awards.
His second CD entitled, “Return to the Waters”, has been nominated in the:
2006-07 Indian Summer Music Awards
2006-07 Aboriginal People’s Choice Awards
2006-07 Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards
2007 Native American Music Awards.
His third CD “Sacred Songs – Sacred Words”, has been nominated in the:
2007 Aboriginal People’s Choice Music Awards
2007 Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards