Ruebin Bugler
Ruebin Bugler is from Red Pheasant First Nation Saskatchewan. Ruebin was a wee age of three and a half when he began to sing, his mother brought him to an elder and sponsored a ceremony in which ruebin was given his traditional name by the direction of the elder, his mother was told ruebin was given a gift of song and that the old one would always be with him. (Old Man Sitting on The Rock) Ruebin was raised around the round dance and powwow trail and the drum. Ruebin traveled around North America and sang with nakota lodge, walking spirit and sweetgrass drum groups. Ruebin also a educator to many youth instructing drumming and singing to many elementary schools in North battleford and Saskatoon.
Ruebin also composes his own music his songs made it to the Aboriginal achievement awards twice (CAMA), once with Nakota lodge and again with walking spirit. Ruebin has his own unique style some of his songs explain life’s lessons for many humor is added for balance and healing ruebin say thank you to his past mentors some who have gone on to the spirit world, also his late grand mother the late Florence bugler who had named ruebin after a well known powwow man and she also prayed for him when he was a new born, that he would know and live his culture and follow the red road here on turtle island. Ruebin songs will touch your heart and you will feel great when you here his gift,..Aho
(Old man sitting on a rock)