The Ukrainian Musicians Association

The legacy of our music has been passed down to our generation, we must preserve and protect it for future generations.

The Ukrainian Musicians Association (UMA) was founded as a registered non-profit organization to preserve, maintain and honor past and present musicians. The association’s mandate also serves to provide information and resources to current active musicians who have an interest in maintaining traditional Ukrainian Music. The legacy of our music has been passed down to our generation to ensure it continues to be recognized as not only a source as not only a source of entertainment to millions of people, but to our heritage, to be maintained and not forgotten. We must preserve and protect this legacy for future generations, which is one of the major goals of the association.

Bitaemo, The Ukrainian Musicians Association and our Hall of Fame, exists only because of the continued support of musicians and volunteers who are dedicated to maintaining and preserving our Ukrainian culture through music. Music has been said to be a universal language and this is o more evident than your presence and participation at our events. With each year and event undertaken by The Ukrainian Musicians Association, our efforts are focused on providing the most enjoyable experience for our guests in an atmosphere of mutual friendship and peace. It is our hope that you will have a feeling of being a part of any event and in some way have helped contribute and maintain our Ukrainian culture.

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