ernest monias, old tyme fiddle, reg bouvette, stew clayton, sunrise records, sunshine records -

Sunshine Records (it's all in the name)

You might be looking for Sunrise Records, maybe you wound up here by accident.  That's totally alright! In fact we are happy you stopped by.  We carry a wide variety of music available on CD and digital download.  We should point out that you will not find the latest Foo Fighters record on our store, or in person (at 275 selkirk ave). What you will find are great recordings by Canadian Artists such as Ernest Monias, Stew Clayton, Reg Bouvette.  Music genres like Old Tyme Fiddle, Country, Pow Wow, Ukrainian Polka Music. 

Are you looking for records? We have some still, New Old Stock.  All of the records are at our retail location and they are only $5 each.  Come on down and check out some of the great deals we have. 

Sometimes we get phone calls asking if we buy records.  We don't, sorry about that. There are however a few great places in Winnipeg to sell records.  Check out the following links. 

Into The Music:

Winnipeg Record And Tape Co.

If you are looking for Sunrise Records you can go here: